SF Vision
Build a digital ecosystem and serve global customers;
Achieve prosperity for all and enjoy a better life.
SF Values
Integrity and responsibility; Dedication to employees’success;
Dedication to customers’success; innovation and inclusiveness;
Pursuit of excellence; Pursuit of efficiency and synergy.
SF Airlines Brand Vision
Be the most trust-worthy air freighter partner
SF Airlines Brand Concept
Set foot in aviation and achieve win-win success in logistics
We advocate common safety concepts and values, the culture of responsibility, justice, communication and learning has been cultivated within the whole company with every single employee being part of it.
The core of our safety management is cultural development, information transparency, sharing and effective channels of communication are the prerequisites of sound safety culture and management.
We commit ourselves to opening different kinds of channels for releasing and receiving information, ensuring the information symmetry among employees and between employees and their management, thus increasing employees' understanding of the company's goal, major events and status quo.
We have constantly improving employees' awareness of safety management system, in order to help them fully understand safety information, experience and its lessons, forming the double-channel mode of from-top-to-bottom and from-bottom-to-top.